
When Do Rachel And Santana Makeup

The Kurt-Rachel-Santana Relationship, most normally known every bit Kurtcheltana or Hummelpezberry, is the close friendship between Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, and Santana Lopez.


At the showtime of the series, they three didn't interact very much since they didn't get forth very well. In the show's Flavour One, none of them got along with each other and they were considered enemies. Throughout the second season, Kurt and Rachel make peace and Santana starts feeling more comfortable in Glee Club and consequently relenting to them, just she's even so mean and this continues until the end of the start half of Season 3. Meanwhile, Kurt and Rachel become best friends at the beginning of the season. In Dance with Somebody, afterwards singing So Emotional with Santana, Rachel tells her "they have 42 days to, at least, exist friends," and by the end of the season it seems similar they are much closer and finally are friends.

As of the bear witness's fourth flavour, their human relationship started developing more than in whatsoever other point of the serial. Kurt and Rachel had been living together in their Bushwick Apartment in New York since The New Rachel, later on their graduation. Some fourth dimension later, in Diva, Santana finally decides to become to New York, and unexpectedly moves in with the duo. Although at that place have been struggles among the trio when she kickoff moved in and it was questioned if Santana would exist allowed to go on living in the loft, they finally accept her to move permanently in Guilty Pleasures. In Season Five, they continue living together, until a fight between Rachel and Santana over Funny Girl'southward primary role that results in Rachel moving out. A while later on, Santana and Rachel brand upwards things; Rachel returns to the loft whereas Santana moves out to go to the Lesbos island with her girlfrind Brittany . They remain close friends always since.


Santana, forth with Sue and Quinn watches the performance of Don't Stop Believin' in which Kurt and Rachel sing. (Airplane pilot)

Kurt incriminates Santana and Brittany for having filtered their setlist, just Santana denies that saying the Glee Club is the best part of her twenty-four hours and she wasn't going to go and mess information technology up. Rachel believes her. (Sectionals)

Rachel calls all the New Directions girls to the choir room to find a solution to the Kurt-Dave bullying state of affairs and proposes asking their boyfriends to do something about information technology, but Santana is excluded because she isn't dating any guy. Santana leaves the choir room reluctantly. (Furt)

Santana is seen in the flashmob that Kurt organises for Rachel, dancing to Barbra Streisand. (Born This Way)

They compete along with Mercedes for a solo in Nationals, simply eventually none of them gets it. (Funeral)

Santana, Kurt and Rachel, along with Artie and Blaine meet at The Lima Edible bean, where Sebastian overhears them talking about performing Michael at Regionals and starts the rivalry by "stealing" the New Directions' idea. Later they sing Bad and Black or White with the residual of New Directions. In a deleted scene with ARtie and Blaine they go to Dalton and watch the warblers performWant You Dorsum. (Michael)

The 3 of them sing Yous Get What You Give with Finn, Mercedes, Quinn, Puck, and Mike Chang. After, they receive their diplomas during the graduation ceremony and Kurt and Santana say good day to Rachel every bit she leaves Lima. (Good day)

Kurt and Rachel don't interact with Santana in this episode, merely they sing The Scientist along with Finn, Brittany, Blaine, Emma, and Will. They all break up with the character they had been dating the whole 3rd season. (The Pause-Up)

Santana, along with Quinn, goes to New York because Kurt asked her to talk to Rachel about her topless scenes. (Naked)


At the terminate of the episode, Santana knocks on the door of Kurt and Rachel's apartment. Kurt opens the door and both him and Rachel are surprised and shocked to see Santana there. She walks in boldly and announces that she'south moving in. (Diva)

Santana suffers through a snowbound weekend in New York with her roommates gee​king out over musical theater, and her open up hostility unnerves Rachel - merely not as much equally her babe-themed movie marathon choices, as Rachel continues to sweat out the possibility that she's pregnant. Kurt opts for Moulin Rouge!, envisioning himself dueting with Blaine on Come What May. Santana next expresses her misgivings about Brody, revealing that she establish a large stash of cash and a pager amid his property. She's convinced he'south a drug dealer, and when Rachel attempts to show otherwise, Brody's evasive behavior merely bolsters Santana'south theory. Kurt then says he agrees with Santana. (Girls (and Boys) on Film)


Rachel and Kurt confront Santana, embarrassed past her antics at NYADA and concerned about her threats to Brody. They insist she needs to dial it back or motion out. Santana explains that she loves them and reads people better than they practice, but when they persist, she caves in and leaves. (Feud)

Back again in the flat, Santana is all the same bickering with Rachel and Kurt, this time in the bathroom, because she doesn't take any shelf room for her products. Kurt wants Santana to look on telling Rachel about Brody until after her big audition every bit it volition distract her from her goal, which Santana agrees upon only if Kurt gives her extra room. Santana then offers to cheer Rachel up by playing an innocent fiddling prank on Kurt, but when the two girls go in to put his hand in a pot of warm h2o, they see his picayune secret, his "young man arm." Kurt reluctantly introduces the girls to Bruce and makes it clear that they cannot borrow him.


Later, Kurt gives Santana and Rachel their own special pillows and Santana proceeds to tell Rachel that Brody is a gigolo, which Kurt confirms, after she is tired of hearing that Rachel and Brody might get dorsum together. After Rachel brokes upward with him, she comes home and finds Santana and Kurt bonding over aThe Facts of Life marathon and she tells them that she and Brody came to an understanding and the relationship is over. She thank you Santana and her Mexican third eye, and says that she's gear up to move on and see older guys. She wants them to watch her biggest guilty pleasure movie considering she but got out of a relationship:Mamma Mia. Rachel picks upward the movie and every bit she walks to the couch, she starts to slowly sing Mamma Mia and is joined by Santana and Kurt; the scene is intercut with Marley, Blaine, and Sam leading the New Directions operation. (Guilty Pleasures)


Starting the episode, Santana enters the Bushwick Apartment showing Kurt and Rachel she'southward establish a new armchair in a dumpster. They tell Santana they remember she's throwing her life away and confront her for working at Coyote Ugly, bouncing at a lesbian bar, and working as a muzzle dancer in another. Rachel and Kurt worry that she'south squandering her talents, simply Santana insists she needs time to figure out her life path and blows off their business. The three are invited to the New York City Ballet Gala that Isabelle is co-chairing. At starting time Santana is the only one who isn't excited with the idea claiming she doesn't like ballet, being convinced shortly after by Kurt and Rachel. Afterward, at the gala, Isabele invites Kurt them to watch the ballet functioning from the wings, and Santana joins them revealing she actually took ballet classes in her childhood. There they perform At the Ballet along with Isabelle. (Lights Out)

When Santana comes dorsum to Lima to find out what'south happening with Brittany, she denies the rumour most both Rachel and Kurt "playing bingo down at the V.A. and knitting alpaca mittens on Saturday nights." (All or Nothing)


After singing Hard 24-hour interval's Night in Spotlight Diner, Rachel says they both need to exercise something special, referring to go to Lima for Blaine's proposal to Kurt. Shortly subsequently, Rachel and Santana are present during All You Need Is Love and the proposal. (Beloved, Dearest, Love)

At NYADA, Kurt confronts Rachel because of her reaction to Santana's commercial and tells her she shouldn't worry about it. After, afterwards Kurt tells Rachel and Santana he's started working at Spotlight Diner, the trio agree to stick together for 2 years, no affair their success. Rachel is surprised at the diner by Mr. Campion, the Funny Daughter director, who tells her she has been cast equally Fanny, and she hugs her friends very happy. They perform Allow It Be with Dani to celebrate this achievement. (Tina in the Sky with Diamonds)

Kurt and Santana watch and weep during Rachel'southward operation of Brand You Feel My Love, visibly moved. (The Quarterback)


At Spotlight Diner, Kurt tells Santana and Dani that he is ready to start his ring and has put an ad in the Village Voice seeking auditions. He too says that he volition be accepting girls, and that while he was originally planning on starting a Madonna cover ring, he wants to move in a dissimilar direction at present. Both Dani and Santana concord to join Kurt's band. Kurt asks Rachel to join as well, but she declines, explaining that she feels it would simply be "too much" after Finn'south death and that all her creative energy must become into her office in Funny Girl. Kurt reminds Rachel that Finn wouldn't want her "sitting on the sidelines of life." Back at the Bushwick Apartment, Kurt, Elliot, Dani and Santana are trying to decide on the ring's name. Rachel comes habitation from Funny Girl rehearsal and jokingly suggests that they name the band Pamela Lansbury, which everyone really agrees on. Kurt again invites Rachel to be part of the band, pointing out that Barbra Streisand constitute fourth dimension to practise other projects even when she was doing Funny Daughter. This fourth dimension, Rachel agrees. (A Katy or A Gaga)

At the cease of the performance of Movin' Out (Anthony's Song), Blaine and Sam are received at the Bushwick Apartment by Kurt, Rachel, and Santana. Shortly subsequently, they 3 along with Sam watch Blaine's performance of Piano Man at Spotlight Diner. At the end of the episode, they sing Just the Mode Yous Are with Sam and Blaine, as Santana notices Rachel and Sam'due south chemistry. (Movin' Out)


In a coming together, Kurt announces to Pamela Lansbury that he booked them their very first gig, unfortunately the remainder of the gang isn't very enthusiastic about their location, even when Kurt tells them about his dream Into the Groove functioning. At the concert, Rachel comes in and tells Kurt that they have an audience of simply 1 person. After, Kurt has gathered the members of Pamela Lansbury, minus Dani, and tells them that they oasis't failed and that he has booked their second gig at the Williamsburg Music Hall, which is i of the hottest music venues in Brooklyn. So they get a knock at the door, and receive a package of puppets which Santana calls "creepy every bit hell." The episode closes with New Directions and Pamela Lansbury singing The Fox with their respective puppets. (Puppet Main)


Santana stays at the Bushwick Apartment over Christmas. The three take jobs as elves at a shop's Santa Land display, and there is where they meet Cody. Later, they invite him to the apartment, where they accept a party and become drunkard while singing The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Tardily) considering of existence manipulated by him. Later on finding out Cody was a robber and beingness fired, the 3 go some new jobs at the New York mall as singers out a window. At the end of the episode, they are seen performing Away in a Manger. (Previously Unaired Christmas)

Rachel and Santana accept an argument subsequently Santana auditions for Rachel'southward understudy in Funny Girl without telling her kickoff. The conflict escalates to the betoken at which Rachel slaps Santana, before suggesting she leaves. Santana agrees. Kurt, helpless, refuses to side with either of them, making Rachel frustrated and upset. She decides to leave the apartment for her own good, ripping up a photograph of her and Santana at graduation in Santana'southward confront before walking out the door. (Frenemies)

Afterwards a rather contentious operation of Gloria at the Spotlight Diner Kurt attempts to mediate a discussion between the two, but neither daughter is willing to forgive the other and the hostility betwixt them continues. Fed upwardly, Kurt informs Rachel and Santana that he, Elliott and Dani have decided to boot both girls out of Pamela Lansbury unless they can patch things up. Kurt invites them to his first performance with Elliott and Dani equally the new band One 3 Hill. Although neither Rachel or Santana are happy most the state of affairs, they agree to be civil to one another for one night to support Kurt during his first gig with his new band. Both Santana and Rachel look sad equally they watch Kurt perform The Happening with Elliott and Dani. (Trio)

At the Spotlight Diner Santana and Rachel are sitting at the counter when Kurt emerges frantic from the kitchen with jail cell phone in hand. Rachel asks him what is going on while Santana makes a joke about Kurt booking a gig for his band at the Union Square subway station, which prompts some snarky comments from Rachel. Kurt interrupts them with the bad news: New Directions has lost their Nationals competition and Sue has disbanded glee guild, this fourth dimension for good. Kurt tells them that Sue is planning on turning the choir room into a computer lab. All iii are clearly dismayed by the news. (City of Angels)

Kurt, Rachel and Santana travel back to Lima in order to celebrate the Glee club before it's inevitable stop through the paw of Sue Sylvester. Santana goes on a rant to sabotage Rachel, dragging Kurt into information technology. At the end of the episode, all three of them, along with the residuum of the original line-up of New Directions, follow Mr. Schue into the auditorium to reminisce about what Glee social club meant to them. (100)

Kurt and Mercedes perform I Am Changing in gild to make Rachel and Santana realize that life is too short to hate each other like they do at the moment. They make up later and Kurt is reliefed to have their dynamic back, excitedly watching their performance of Exist Okay. They all help Holly with the video message for Mr. Schue and take part in the k performance of Don't Stop Believin'. (New Directions)

Information technology is revealed that, after Santana moved out to go to Lesbos with Brittany, Rachel moved back into the Bushwick Flat with Kurt. (New New York)

When Rachel is in distress over her upcoming opening night for Funny Girl, as his final selection, Kurt calls Santana, who has a eye-to-middle with Rachel and gets her back on her feet. Both Kurt and Santana attend Rachel'due south opening night and the inevitable later-political party, where they all perform Pumpin Claret for the audience. When Rachel gives Sue a verbal smackdown the next morning, both Kurt and Rachel applaud her for her assuming braveness. Later, Rachel is as well afraid to read her review in the New York Times the next forenoon, she asks Kurt to read information technology. He tells her that he tin't exercise it either, though, and Santana grabs the paper and reads the very positive review for everyone. (Opening Night)

With Rachel out of town for her TV-show audition and Kurt panicking over the situation, Santana jumps in and goes on stage as Fanny, saving Rachel from getting fired. (The Redundancy Plan)

Kurt odnt 12 hummelpezberry.jpg

To save Rachel's public image, Santana jumps in as her publicist and they create "Broadway Bitches," a charity for dogs in the local shelter. When Kurt asks whether he tin can bring together the operation they're planning, they gently shut him downwardly, leaving him angry and disappointed. Later, Kurt lands the role of Peter Pan in the Lexington Domicile's performance of the musical of the same name. He goes dwelling to tell Rachel and Santana about his exciting news merely to find them mildly impressed and saying they're unable to make his opening night. Kurt tells them that he would - and has actually done everything for them whenever they asked, only they fail to come to his aid or exist there for him the one time he needs them. He tells them that he's done beingness a friend to them just when information technology's user-friendly for them and leaves.

The next day, at the Spotlight Diner, the three of them speak fondly of each other and praise each other's talent yet, sharing a hug afterwards. (Old Dog, New Tricks)

Santana comes back to help to recruit new members for the reinstated glee club, when she received a phone call from Rachel. She surprises them, along with the other alumni. They all hug. They perform in Take On Me, afterwards in the day. They hear a voice in the vents (that Rachel heard before) and investigate to find it. They locate the vox in the library, from a boy named Roderick. They all comment on how he needs to try out for the gild. When he performs, Roderick performs Mustang Sally, Santana singing back up, along with Quinn and Brittany, while Kurt and Rachel sentinel. Afterwards in the episode, Santana introduces Mason and Madison. They are all seen singing in Home. (Homecoming)

Santana, along with near of the other alumni, agreed to stay some other week, Rachel and Kurt introduce the weeks first lesson: Mashups. After seeing that they are not getting forth as co-directors, Santana volunteers to do the mashup start, with Brittany. Rachel and Kurt thank her, slightly humiliated. After the performance of Hand in My Pocket/I Experience the Earth Motion with Brittany, Santana proposes to her, to which Rachel is happy at, while Kurt declares that their besides young to get married, and should have learned from his and Blaine's pause up. After Tina speaks upwardly at how perfect they are, Santana cheers her, while she glares at Kurt. Later on that solar day, Kurt and Rachel walk in the hallway, Rachel proverb he is non being supportive. He agrees, saying they'll regret. Santana comes to talk to Kurt. Rachel fails to get out. Santana tells them that she idea of what he said, and agrees with him. Kurt and Rachel look surprised. She continues proverb thats what happened to him and Blaine, insulting him with reasons on why they broke upward. She concludes, saying that information technology has nil to exercise with her and Brittany, but with him. She walks away, a sign maxim "Get Your Crap Together," as Kurt looks humiliated. At the stop of the episode, they sing in You Learn/Yous've Got a Friend, meaning that they are on skilful terms. (Jagged Little Tapestry)


Sang Together (In a Group Number)
Vocal Episode

Solos with

Don't Stop Believin' Journeying Finn, Puck, Mercedes, and Artie
To Sir, With Honey Finn, Mercedes, Artie, and Tina
Sang Together (In a Group Number)
Song Episode

Solos with

Do They Know It's Christmas? Extraordinary Merry Christmas Finn, Mercedes, Blaine, Artie, Puck, Brittany, and Tina
Black or White Michael Mercedes and Artie
How Will I Know Dance With Somebody Mercedes
Paradise by the Dashboard Lite Nationals Finn, Puck, Blaine, Brittany, Mike, and Mercedes
Nosotros Are the Champions Finn, Puck and Quinn
Sang Together (In a Group Number)
Song Episode

Solos with

The Scientist The Break-Up Volition, Emma, Finn, Brittany, and Blaine
You're the I That I Want Glease Ryder, Marley, Brittany, Finn, and Blaine
Nosotros've Got Tonite I Practice Betty, Artie, Finn, Quinn, Blaine, Jake, and Marley
Mamma Mia Guilty Pleasures Blaine, Marley, Sam, Unique, and Kitty
At the Ballet Lights Out Isabelle
Sang Together (In a Group Number)
Vocal Episode

Solos with

Let Information technology Exist Tina in the Sky with Diamonds Tina, Kitty, and Artie
Roar A Katy or A Gaga Kitty, Sam, Jake, Tina, Unique, Dani, and Elliott
Just the Way You Are Movin' Out Sam and Blaine
The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Exist Late) Previously Unaired Christmas Cody
Away In A Manger Kitty
Agree On Trio Artie, Blaine, Dani, Elliott, Sam and Tina
Take Me Home Tonight Quondam Dog, New Tricks Artie, Blaine, Maggie, Mercedes, and Sam
Related Songs
  • All Yous Need Is Dearest by The Beatles (Dear, Love, Love)
  • Into The Groove by Madonna (Puppet Primary)
  • The Fox by Ylvis (Boob Master)
  • The Happening by The Supremes. (Trio)
  • I Am Changing from Dreamgirls (New Directions)
  • Pumpin Claret by NONONO (Opening Night)
Sang Together (In a Group Number)
Song Episode

Solos with

Take On Me Homecoming Artie, Brittany, Mercedes, Puck, Quinn, Sam, and Tina
Home Artie, Brittany, Jane, Madison, Mason, Puck, Quinn, Roderick, Spencer, and Tina
You Learn/Yous've Got a Friend Jagged Little Tapestry Brittany, Quinn, and Tina


  • They all had a romantic relationship or beat out with Finn and Sam at one indicate in the series.
  • They each have had a duet with Mercedes, whom they all used to be rivals with at one point.
  • They each take different sexuality: Kurt existence gay, Rachel being heterosexual and Santana being a lesbian.


See also

  • Master article: Rachel-Santana relationship
  • Primary article: Kurt-Rachel relationship
  • Primary article: Kurt-Santana Relationship


five - due east - d

Glee Relationships



Grapheme relationship(southward) displayed:















































Adam-Kurt Relationship

April-Will Relationship

Artie-Becky Relationship

Artie-Betty Relationship

Artie-Blaine Relationship

Artie-Brittany Relationship

Artie-Finn Human relationship

Artie-Kitty Relationship

Artie-Mercedes Relationship

Artie-Mike Relationship

Artie-Puck Relationship

Artie-Quinn Relationship

Artie-Sam Relationship

Artie-Carbohydrate Relationship

Artie-Tina Human relationship

Becky-Artie Relationship

Becky-Puck Relationship

Becky-Sue Relationship

Beth-Puck Relationship

Beth-Quinn Relationship

Betty-Artie Human relationship

Blaine-Artie Relationship

Blaine-Brittany Relationship

Blaine-Burt Relationship

Blaine-Cooper Relationship

Blaine-Finn Relationship

Blaine-Kurt Human relationship

Blaine-Marley Relationship

Blaine-Rachel Relationship

Blaine-Sam Relationship

Blaine-Santana Relationship

Blaine-Sebastian Relationship

Blaine-Tina Relationship

Bree-Jake Relationship

Bree-Kitty Human relationship

Brittany-Artie Human relationship

Brittany-Blaine Relationship

Brittany-Finn Relationship

Brittany-Kitty Relationship

Brittany-Kurt Human relationship

Brittany-Marley Relationship

Brittany-Mike Relationship

Brittany-Quinn Human relationship

Brittany-Rachel Human relationship

Brittany-Rory Human relationship

Brittany-Sam Relationship

Brittany-Santana-Quinn Relationship

Brittany-Tina Relationship

Brody-Cassandra Relationship

Brody-Finn Relationship

Brody-Rachel Relationship

Burt-Blaine Human relationship

Burt-Carole Relationship

Burt-Kurt Human relationship

Carl-Emma Relationship

Carole-Burt Human relationship

Cassandra-Brody Human relationship

Cassandra-Rachel Relationship

Chandler-Kurt Human relationship

Cooper-Blaine Relationship

Cooter-Shannon Relationship

Cooter-Sue Relationship

Dani-Santana Relationship

Dave-Kurt Relationship

Dave-Santana Relationship

Elliott-Kurt Relationship

Emma-Carl Relationship

Emma-Finn Relationship

Emma-Ken Relationship

Emma-Will Relationship

Figgins-Sue Human relationship

Finn-Brittany Relationship

Finn-Artie Relationship

Finn-Blaine Relationship

Finn-Brody Human relationship

Finn-Emma Relationship

Finn-Kurt Relationship

Finn-Puck Relationship

Finn-Quinn Relationship

Finn-Rachel Relationship

Finn-Rory Relationship

Finn-Sam Relationship

Finn-Santana Relationship

Finn-Sue Relationship

Finn-Will Human relationship

Holly-Will Relationship

Jacob-Rachel Relationship

Jake-Bree Relationship

Jake-Kitty Relationship

Jake-Marley Relationship

Jake-Puck Human relationship

Jake-Ryder Relationship

Jesse-Rachel Relationship

Joe-Quinn Human relationship

Ken-Emma Human relationship

Kitty-Artie Relationship

Kitty-Bree Human relationship

Kitty-Brittany Human relationship

Kitty-Jake Human relationship

Kitty-Marley Relationship

Kitty-Puck Relationship

Kitty-Ryder Relationship

Kitty-Tina Relationship

Kurt-Adam Human relationship

Kurt-Blaine Relationship

Kurt-Brittany Relationship

Kurt-Burt Relationship

Kurt-Chandler Relationship

Kurt-David Relationship

Kurt-Elliott Human relationship

Kurt-Finn Relationship

Kurt-Mercedes Human relationship

Kurt-Puck Human relationship

Kurt-Rachel Relationship

Kurt-Rachel-Santana Relationship

Kurt-Sam Relationship

Kurt-Santana Relationship

Kurt-Sebastian Relationship

Kurt-Sue Human relationship

Kurt-Tina Relationship

Lauren-Puck Relationship

Marley-Blaine Human relationship

Marley-Brittany Relationship

Marley-Jake Human relationship

Marley-Kitty Relationship

Marley-Millie Human relationship

Marley-Ryder Relationship

Marley-Unique Human relationship

Mercedes-Artie Human relationship

Mercedes-Kurt Relationship

Mercedes-Mike Relationship

Mercedes-Puck Relationship

Mercedes-Quinn Relationship

Mercedes-Rachel Relationship

Mercedes-Sam Relationship

Mercedes-Santana Relationship

Mercedes-Shane Human relationship

Mercedes-Tina Human relationship

Mike-Artie Relationship

Mike-Brittany Human relationship

Mike-Mercedes Relationship

Mike-Tina Relationship

Millie-Marley Relationship

Penny-Sam Relationship

Puck-Artie Relationship

Puck-Becky Relationship

Puck-Beiste Human relationship

Puck-Beth Relationship

Puck-Finn Relationship

Puck-Jake Relationship

Puck-Kitty Relationship

Puck-Kurt Relationship

Puck-Lauren Human relationship

Puck-Mercedes Relationship

Puck-Quinn Relationship

Puck-Rachel Relationship

Puck-Santana Human relationship

Puck-Shelby Relationship

Quinn-Artie Human relationship

Quinn-Beth Relationship

Quinn-Brittany Relationship

Quinn-Finn Human relationship

Quinn-Joe Relationship

Quinn-Mercedes Relationship

Quinn-Puck Human relationship

Quinn-Rachel Relationship

Quinn-Sam Relationship

Quinn-Santana Human relationship

Quinn-Santana-Brittany Relationship

Quinn-Shelby Relationship

Quinn-Sue Relationship

Rachel-Blaine Relationship

Rachel-Brittany Relationship

Rachel-Brody Human relationship

Rachel-Cassandra Relationship

Rachel-Finn Relationship

Rachel-Jacob Relationship

Rachel-Jesse Relationship

Rachel-Kurt Relationship

Rachel-Kurt-Santana Relationship

Rachel-Mercedes Human relationship

Rachel-Puck Relationship

Rachel-Quinn Relationship

Rachel-Sam Relationship

Rachel-Santana Relationship

Rachel-Shelby Relationship

Rachel-Sunshine Relationship

Rachel-Tina Relationship

Rachel-Volition Relationship

Rod-Sue Relationship

Rory-Brittany Relationship

Rory-Finn Relationship

Rory-Sam Relationship

Rory-Sugar Relationship

Roz-Sue Relationship

Jake-Ryder Relationship

Ryder-Kitty Human relationship

Ryder-Marley Human relationship

Ryder-Unique Human relationship

Sam-Artie Relationship

Sam-Blaine Human relationship

Sam-Finn Relationship

Sam-Kurt Human relationship

Sam-Mercedes Relationship

Sam-Penny Human relationship

Sam-Quinn Relationship

Sam-Rachel Relationship

Sam-Rory Relationship

Sam-Santana Human relationship

Sam-Tina Human relationship

Santana-Blaine Human relationship

Santana-Brittany Relationship

Santana-Brittany-Quinn Human relationship

Santana-Dani Relationship

Santana-Dave Relationship

Santana-Finn Relationship

Santana-Kurt Relationship

Santana-Kurt-Rachel Human relationship

Santana-Mercedes Human relationship

Santana-Puck Relationship

Santana-Quinn Relationship

Santana-Rachel Human relationship

Santana-Sebastian Relationship

Santana-Sue Human relationship

Sebastian-Blaine Relationship

Sebastian-Kurt Relationship

Sebastian-Santana Relationship

Shane-Mercedes Relationship

Shannon-Cooter Relationship

Shannon-Puck Relationship

Shannon-Will Human relationship

Shelby-Puck Human relationship

Shelby-Quinn Relationship

Shelby-Rachel Relationship

Shelby-Will Relationship

Sue-Becky Human relationship

Sue-Cooter Relationship

Sue-Figgins Relationship

Sue-Finn Relationship

Sue-Kurt Relationship

Sue-Quinn Human relationship

Sue-Rod Human relationship

Sue-Roz Relationship

Sue-Santana Relationship

Sue-Will Relationship

Carbohydrate-Artie Relationship

Carbohydrate-Rory Relationship

Sunshine-Rachel Relationship

Terri-Will Relationship

Tina-Artie Human relationship

Tina-Blaine Relationship

Tina-Brittany Relationship

Tina-Kitty Human relationship

Tina-Kurt Relationship

Tina-Mercedes Relationship

Tina-Mike Human relationship

Tina-Rachel Relationship

Tina-Sam Relationship

Unique-Marley Human relationship

Unique-Ryder Relationship

Will-April Human relationship

Will-Emma Human relationship

Will-Finn Relationship

Will-Holly Relationship

Will-Rachel Human relationship

Will-Shannon Human relationship

Will-Shelby Relationship

Will-Sue Relationship

Will-Terri Relationship

Missing relationship?

Contact Seb!


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