
How To Draw Acceleration Time Graph

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Learning Goals

Subsequently working through this module, you should be able to:

  • Recognize or construct a velocity versus time graph illustrating 1-D motility with constant acceleration.
  • Recognize or construct a position versus time graph illustrating 1-D motion with constant acceleration.
  • Given a velocity versus time graph illustrating i-D motion with constant acceleration, make up one's mind the acceleration.
  • Given a position versus fourth dimension graph illustrating 1-D motility with constant acceleration, determine the sign of the acceleration.
  • Define "deceleration".
  • Describe the weather condition on velocity and acceleration that give rising to deceleration.
  • Given a position versus fourth dimension graph illustrating i-D motion with constant acceleration, discover any time intervals over which the object is decelerating.

Graphical Representation of Dispatch

One way to represent a system described by the 1-Dimensional Motion with Abiding Acceleration Model graphically is to draw a velocity versus time graph for that organization. According to the definition

 a_{x} = \frac{dv_{x}}{dt}

it is articulate that the acceleration is equal to the slope of the velocity versus time graph. Thus, if the acceleration is constant, the velocity versus time graph will necessarily be linear (the only type of graph with a constant slope).

Another way to graphically stand for the Model is to note that the equation

 x(t) = x_{i} + v_{i,x}(t-t_{i}) + \frac{1}{2} a_{x}(t-t_{i})^{2}

implies that a system moving with abiding acceleration will be described past a parabolic position versus fourth dimension graph (the position is a quadratic function of the time).


Simulation courtesy PhET Interactive Simulations
at the Academy of Colorado

Position vs. Time Graphs and Acceleration

The concavity (or equivalently, the second derivative) of a position versus fourth dimension graph can be used to make up one's mind the sign of the acceleration. A concave upward position versus time graph has positive acceleration. The reason tin can be seen past because the case of a system with constant positive acceleration. The position versus fourth dimension graph for such a system volition be an upward-opening parabola like that shown below.

A concave up position vs. time graph.

The vertex of this parabola is a bespeak where the slope of the graph goes to zero. A point of zero slope in a position vs. time graph implies that the velocity goes to zero at that time. Thus, the arrangement is momentarily at rest at the time corresponding to the vertex of the parabola. Everywhere to the right of the vertex in the graph, the slope of the parabola is positive and increasing. Thus, the velocity is increasing in the positive direction, implying positive dispatch. Everywhere to the left of the vertex, the velocity is negative and approaching zip (condign smaller in magnitude). This lessening of a negative velocity also corresponds to positive acceleration.

The case of a concave down position versus time graph is coordinating. The position versus time for a system experiencing abiding negative acceleration is shown below.

A concave down position vs. time graph.

Once again, the vertex is a point with nix velocity. This time, however, points to the correct of the vertex have negative gradient that is growing steeper equally time goes on, and points to the left of the vertex take positive slope that is lessening. Each of these cases correspond to negative acceleration.

Acceleration vs. Deceleration

It is of import to discuss one problem with the specialized vocabulary of physics. So far, nosotros have introduced 3 different aspects of motion. Each 1 tin can be discussed in terms of a vector concept (magnitude and direction) or in terms of a scalar concept (magnitude only). For instance, nosotros discussed deportation, a vector, and altitude, a scalar. For motility in i management, distance is the magnitude of displacement. Nosotros discussed velocity, a vector, and speed, a scalar. If we are considering instantaneous velocity, then speed is the magnitude of velocity. Our terminal quantity, acceleration, tin can also be discussed in terms of a vector acceleration or simply the magnitude, but for acceleration we have no special term for the magnitude. The vector is called "the acceleration" and the magnitude is "the magnitude of the dispatch". This can issue in confusion.

This trouble is exacerbated by the fact that in everyday language, nosotros oftentimes use the terms altitude, speed and dispatch. The everyday definitions of distance and speed are basically equivalent to their physics definitions, since we rarely consider direction of travel in everyday speech and these quantities are scalars in physics (no direction). Unfortunately, in physics, we usually use the term "dispatch" to refer to a vector, while in everyday speech it denotes a magnitude.

The difficulties do not terminate at that place. Everyday usage does make one concession to the vector nature of motility. When we talk near acceleration in everyday speech, nosotros unremarkably specify whether the object is "accelerating" (speeding up) or "decelerating" (slowing down). Both terms imply a change in velocity, and then in physics we can call either case "accelerating". In physics, the divergence between accelerating and decelerating is determined by the relative directions of the velocity and the dispatch.

Everyday Term Physics Equivalent
acceleration acceleration and velocity point in the same direction
deceleration dispatch and velocity point in reverse directions

The difference between acceleration and deceleration tin can too be illustrated graphically.

Pos1.gif Neg1.gif
positive acceleration
positive velocity
negative acceleration
negative velocity
Neg2.gif Pos2.gif
negative acceleration
positive velocity
positive acceleration
negative velocity

Cheque Your Understanding


By looking at the position versus time graph shown above, make up one's mind the following at each of the eight numbered instants of time.

A.) Is the arrangement's position positive or negative?

B.) Is the system's velocity positive or negative?

C.) Is the system'southward dispatch positive or negative?

D.) Is the object speeding up ("accelerating") or slowing down ("decelerating")?


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